Hello! My name is Josh.
My name is Josh Lewis and I am the owner/operator of Granite Peak Stoneworks in Martin City Montana. My dad (Chris Colvin) started working with natural stone close to a half a century ago so I’ve been a stone mason for most of my life. In my heart I am really just an artist that lives to be challenged. I have another site called Josh Lewis Photography and it advertises what I can do with websites, photography, and digital images. Check it out!
Martin City, Montana
Our shop is in the old Royal Theater that was built in the 40’s when they were constructing the Hungry Horse Dam. My dad bought the place for 4 thousand dollars back in the seventies and converted it to a stone fabrication shop. Our equipment may be simple but we still make masterpieces with them. The shop is off the beat path but the views are majestic from Martin City.
Can it be done?
Over the years we have had the opportunity to work in many different places with many different people and materials. This experience has given us the chance to learn just about every hand crafted technique out there. If something can be done we can probably do it and if it can’t we’ll figure out another way. As you look over this site you will notice many instances of impossibilities overcome with skill, knowledge and sometimes pure tenacity.
Can it be fixed?
There are so many beautiful things in this world that have been damaged and may just end up in the the garbage. These dolphins came to us in a five gallon bucket broken into many pieces. Over the decades and centuries many stone working methods and techniques have been lost and forgotten. We pride ourselves in being able to repair things that may otherwise be destined for history.